We’re waiting for tomorrow – Poem of the week (Week #2)

“We’re waiting for tomorrow” by e.h

We’re waiting for tomorrow

We’re waiting for tomorrow,
But tomorrow never comes,
Our last breath is right upon our heels,
Yet we still refuse to run,
86 400 seconds,
And we’re in another day,
All slipping through our fingers,
As we look the other way,
Days, weeks, months, and years,
Are made up of right now,
A string of fleeting moments,
That we never can pin down,
We gaze into the future,
As though it’s where we’re meant to be,
Always planning for that day,
When we can say we’re happy,
We spend so long looking forward,
That we may as well be blind,
Since we don’t see until the very end,
All the things we we’ve left behind,
Now I know it’s just a theory,
But I think I’ve worked out how,
The only way to happiness,
Is to love what we have now.


It’s so common that we look into the future and not live in this moment. I’ve had a period abroad when I had my internship, working in South Korea. It was such a great experience, and a total different environment compared to the Netherlands. Most of the time I was on my own, and this made it possible for me to reflect on moments itself, surroundings, and myself.

Many times it felt like I was finally opening my eyes after what felt like forever. Living our usual life, in our usual places, it is so easy to live to just live on automatic pilot. It makes you only think about the future, about a future different life. We often live day by day with eyes closed. We should love what we have now, and realize all the things we have now. After all, we won’t have tomorrow if we don’t have today.

I would like to write about many situations related to this and the last poem I posted, and my period abroad (for those interested). Stay tuned, first gotta focus on my exams! So for now a nice, eye-opening poem like this one. Which I feel like I really needed, so I thought you might like something refreshing too! 🙂

❥ If you have any questions, or have any interesting topics, or want to share some inspirational and motivational stuff, poems or stories*, comment on here, or send me a message on Insta! ♥

❥ This blog has a Stories* page, where my story times will be written, but also readers that want to share their inspirational and motivational stories! (could be published anon or name/blog/social media acc mentioned) Or just any stories of something in your life that you would love to share with others!

Thank you for being here today, have a good morning/day/evening/night wherever you are! 🙂

What to think – Poem of the week (Week #1)

“What to think” by Robert M Drake

What to think

You think this is your life

That waking up every day,
working the same job
for years is enough.

That listening to the same songs,
thinking of the same movies
is all there is.

That telling yourself “tomorrow”
instead of “today”
is what keeps you alive.

You think this is living?
What breath should consist of?

That perhaps ,
deep within the wells of your heart,
you believe that you
do not deserve better?

The human heart is
the devourer of doubt.

And that is something we do not understand.


I want to tell you something
no one has ever told me.

I want to tell you
that there is inspiration everywhere.

That there is fire in the coldest
of places, and that,
light is born of darkness.

I want to tell you
that when you are sad,
laughter is soon to follow.

And when all is lost,
there is always hope
lurking in the background.

Believe it.

Now, of course,

I’m not trying to preach,
because I am no preacher,
but you have got to
find it in you to live.

To figure things out

You deserve all the best in life and make the best out of it. This moment, your life right now at this exact right moment – the exact second your are reading this and having thoughts – is not fixed. Your life right now is not fixed. Life itself is fixed as you are living right now. But THAT’s the thing – Life is fixed but the way you’re living it is not fixed. It can be as flexible as you want it to be. At the end, you have control over it and deserve to live it the best way possible. Soon a related blog post to this topic! 🙂

Have a wonderful day!